BAM – Better working environment. Online video course with pre-recorded material and access to self-study material.
Short facts
- This is a video course that consists of recorded video lessons and downloadable tutorial material.
- The course consists of 13 lessons with some control questions after each lesson (cross questions only).
- The course corresponds to one day of teacher-led training.
- Psychosocial work environment as well as organizational and systematic work environment (OSA) are included in the course.
- You will receive a course certificate to your e-mail immediately after completing the course.You have access to the course for 60 days.
You can take the course at home, at work or anywhere where you have a stable internet connection. It is divided into 13 separate video lessons, each lasting between 11 and 23 minutes. You can fast-forward and rewind the lessons and repeat each lesson as many times as you like. After each lesson, you need to answer some control questions before moving on to the next lesson. If you answer a question incorrectly, just try again. You may answer incorrectly until you answer correctly without restriction. The course takes an average of one day to complete, but you have 60 days and during these days you can fast-forward and rewind the lessons and repeat each lesson as many times as you want and have time.Prior to this course, you do not need any previous education or experience in the subject. This course also includes written study material that you can use to search for information and study. If you have any questions during the course, you are always welcome to contact us.The course corresponds to one day of teacher-led training. Psychosocial work environment as well as organizational and systematic work environment (OSA) are included in the course. After completing the course, you will receive a course certificate that describes the course content and your approved BAM competence.
For whom is this course designed?
Recommended for entrepreneurs, site managers or others with overall work environment responsibility.After you have read the BAM course, you will know how to improve the safety and well-being of your workplace, as well as the laws and regulations that apply. This course gives you basic knowledge and you will know how to practically implement work environment improvements in your organization. Working with issues about the work environment is largely about finding the risks in the workplace and preventing them. The training is aimed at safety representatives, managers and anyone who needs to learn how to best make your work environment better. We recommend that more people in different positions read the course, this way you can work together and get the best results in the workplace.
Studymaterial included in BAM English Online.
The following material is available to download when you have logged in to your course page.- A European perspective on occupational safety and health (OSH
The European Union body responsible for the collection, analysis and dissemination of relevant information to serve the needs of those involved in safety and health at work.
- Ergonomics in women´s work environment
Inspections with focus on the risk assessment of patient transfer within the health care and social care sectors
- Organisation plan
- Organisational and social work environment OSA
The Swedish Work Environment Authority provisions on organisational and social work environment, with general recommendations on application thereof
- Physical work, gender, and health in working life
The Swedish Work Environment Authority has been commissioned by the Swedish Government to inform and disseminate knowledge in areas of significance for the working environment.
- Systematic Work Environment Management
Provisions of the Swedish Work Environment Authority on Systematic Work Environment Management, together with General Recommendations on the implementation of the Provisions
- The Swedish Work Environment Authority Activities 2015
In 1890, 125 years ago, the first work environment legislation came into force. That same year the predecessor to the Swedish Work Environment Authority was formed, the Labour Inspectorate. Much has happened since, within legislation and our authority. Society has changed enormously industrialisation, urbanisation, population growth, medical developments, public sector growth, technological development and a globalised world. A more complex society has developed, and brings with it new challenges, not least in the work environment area. Continually changing conditions on the labour market makes greater demands on how we work with work environment questions.
Ordinance of the National Board of Occupational Safety and Health containing Provisions on measures against Victimization at Work, together with General Recommendations on the implementation of the Provisions.
- Violence and Menaces in the Working Environment
Ordinance of the Swedish National Board of Occupational Safety and Health on measures for the prevention of violence and menaces in the working environment
- Who is responsible for what within building and construction?
This brochure is aimed at you have a work environmentresponsibility within building and construction. Here you can read about what needs to be done during different stages of the building process in order to have a better work environment during the building phase. Good planning and design lead to a safer construction site with reduced risk of ill health and accidents, more effective production, and increased profitability.
A healthy workplace has a balance between that which is demanded and the resources available to do the work. High demands do not need to be harmful but they need to be balanced with the resources available. To have higher demands than resources for the work leads to a high workload and stress among those who are to carry out the work.
- Women and men and their working conditions
The importance of organizational and psychosocial factors for work-related and health-related outcomes
- Women’s Work Environment 2011 – 2014
Final report on the government assignment to develop and carry out special efforts with the aim of preventing women from being knocked out of working life due to work environment related problems.
- Your working environment in Sweden
The following is the information about the working environment if you have a temporary job in Sweden.
- Your rights at work as posted worker
When working in Sweden, foreigners have the same rights and obligations as permanent residents. Regardless the form of employment, background, nationality or ethnicity everyone has the same right to a safe, healthy workplace